Your roof is a vital structure that has a big impact on your home's air flow, heat flow, insulation, and protection from the elements. There are many different types of materials that can be used to roof a home or commercial structure, and each choice has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Every material is not right for every job, and it's important to know the level of repair and maintenance that you can expect from each before you come to any conclusions. We know that it's important to know exactly what you're getting when faced with a job the size of a new roof installation in San Jose, so never hesitate to call us with your questions.
As many houses as you'll find in San Jose, you'll be hard-pressed to find two roofs that are exactly alike. Roofs wear differently just based on which way the front of the house faces, or what time of year they were installed. That's not to mention all the obvious factors, including the size of the roof, the building material, and who did the job. There are many San Jose roofers who try to cut costs by operating without an on-site manager, but when your find yourself getting five, ten, or even fifteen less years out of your roof than expected, you'll see the difference, and you won't like it.
Our San Jose roofers stand apart because we really do see each job as it's own experience, complete with its own challenges. We work hard to make sure your roof lasts as long as possible with an absolute minimum of maintenance and repair, because there is no reason that you should have to replace a roof any sooner than necessary. Part of that comes down to taking in all those little constraints that the other guys breeze over, from wind coverage to sun exposure. It might sound crazy to put so much time and energy into a roof, but when your roof is still holding strong, long after your neighbors have had to pour too much time and too much money into theirs, you'll be glad we did.